Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So, uh, yeah - she's walking. Like, as in, 'OMG WHAT THE HECK IS MY NEWBORN BABY DOING?! THAT'S JUST CRAZY!!' Her first step was a month ago, and as of 8/4/09 she got down from the table after dinner, and that was it. No more crawling. Done and not looking back. It's indescribable. And hilarious. And so very cute. To see those fat little legs toddle around, and see how happy she is with her newfound freedom and viewpoint - seriously, I beam with pride. BEAM, I tell you! I just sit and watch her with this goofy look on my face. I can't wait to go back to the toddler pool - how much fun will she have NOW?! It's so funny how kids are so different. My nanny's baby could walk months and months ago, but was not really into it. He still sometimes crawls. Jellybean, though - she's into it.

And really, really likes shoes. Today she's wearing a pair of K-Swiss I bought her back when I was pre-baby and still rolling in the bucks and doing stupid things like buying a little pair of $50 shoes (oh, how I long to go back in time and tell myself to STOP. BUYING. THINGS.). But dude, seriously - so cute. Like the dress, Aunt N?

Some shots of playing in the rain last night. She thought it was hilarious that I closed the patio door. I thought it was nice and quiet for once. Yep, that's the kind of mother I am; I send my 14-month old out to play, alone, IN THE RAIN. You can see that she's got a terrible life and is very sad about it...


I don't want to be working. I want to be playing with that little person. Don't you?


Billy said...

Yay for the little walker!

Billy said...

Oh, and I've just given you an award :-).

Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

She really looks like a toddler now! Soo stinkin cute. It would be great to get together for a play date again. August then November are my open times. Yeah, crazy, huh?

Rector Funhouse said...

That is shocking. So grown-up! Such a toddler! And precious, especially with the pigtails.

Love the dress - Mela never wore it and now I see that it was always Jenny's dress.

Yes, I do want to be playing with that kid right now.

p.s. Nate, for some reason, thought this video was hilarious. He actually laughed out loud while watching it. They obviously have the same humour.

Sarah Fain said...

I just found your blog through choicemoms, and want to thank you for sharing your experiences as a single choice mom! I'm a thinker-- probably moving fairly quickly into becoming a tryer-- and being able to read a blog like yours (and see all the adorable pictures of your daughter) really helps with all the fears. I'm recording my thinking-to-trying process at if you have time to check it out, please do. You're perspective would be really valuable. Thanks!

Sarah Fain said...

I started reading your DIY Pregnancy archives, and I'm addicted! Thank you! Gotta go read more RIGHT NOW...

Jo said...

Oh my gosh, she is such a happy little sweetie! How adorable! Have fun!

Naomi said...

I love that you let her go play in the rain! Me and the Peanut are always out in the rain jumping in puddles.

marit said...

Does your baby EVER wear a shirt? Look at her go! Not surprising she loves that independence (it's just the beginning...). And those pigtails are just the cutest thing ever.

Must come see you guys very, very soon.